Willow Blossom Letter W Pendant - vanimy
Violet Blossom Letter V Pendant - vanimy
Uva Ursi Blossom Letter U Pendant - vanimy
Tulip Blossom Letter T Pendant - vanimy
Sunflower Blossom Letter S Pendant - vanimy
Rose Blossom Letter R Pendant - vanimy
Queen Anne's Lace Blossom Letter Q Pendant - vanimy
Palm Branch Blossom Letter P Pendant - vanimy
Olive Branch Blossom Letter O Pendant - vanimy
Narcissus Flower Blossom Letter N Pendant - vanimy
Myrtle Blossom Letter M Pendant - vanimy
Lily Blossom Letter L Pendant - vanimy
Kalmia Flower Blossom Letter K Pendant - vanimy
Jasmine Blossom Letter J Pendant - vanimy
Iris Blossom Letter I Pendant - vanimy
Hyssop Blossom Letter H Pendant - vanimy
Grape Blossom Letter G Pendant - vanimy
Fig Blossom Letter F Pendant - vanimy
Elder Flower Blossom Letter E Pendant - vanimy
Daisy Blossom Letter D Pendant - vanimy
Crocus Blossom Letter C Pendant - vanimy
Barley Blossom Letter B Pendant - vanimy
Almond Blossom Letter A Pendant - vanimy
Three Crosses Triumph Medallion Necklace - vanimy
Dove Stud Earrings - vanimy
Dove Double Chain Necklace - vanimy
Dove Olive Branch Necklace - vanimy
Trinity Cross Ring - vanimy
Ahorre 16%
Modern Gothic Cross Duo Pendant Necklace - vanimy
Cross and Crown of Thorns Faith Pendant Necklace - vanimy
Ahorre 9%
Crown Of Thorns Trio Stackable Ring Set - vanimy
Crown of Thorns Wrap Ring - vanimy